Hallowed Be Thy Body

One day

They reached into my throat

   with an old lab coat on

all the way down to my toes

They scooped me out

(not much there anyway)

until I was hollow

glass bones

paper fingernails

blood like syrup

They said I looked Fine

My tongue was too thick

and fragile to respond

with an adequate

“But I’m not”

They looked at me

and believed themselves

They didn’t realize they had

dislodged the door to my screams

keeping them in nice and tight

folded unto themselves

in my labia

The screams so loud

and deep and shrill

They went deaf

They went deaf so quickly

They were still smiling at me

unaware they could no

longer hear me and

my protests

“But I’m not Fine

I’ve been scooped out since

before you put your hand

down my throat

But I could not open

the doors to my screams alone

   so thank you

I can only hope someone

hears the echos

following them to the source

just to say to me

‘I know you’re not Fine

I know you’re drowing

in the tears you won’t shed

in all the times you’ve wanted

   your heart to give up

in all the blood vessels that swear

   that you’re worth it

in the logic that

   you’re worth living your own life

in the feeling that you’re


And the water and oil

of these trying to follow

the same paths to you ventricles'”

They’re still smiling

   still deaf

I am still numb

Ringing as a lone bell

calling lost souls to a merciful


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