“Essay” #8: Say My Name

I love names with accents. They make me happy to know that they are not assimilating to whiteness. I shared this poem with my younger cousin, because I needed her to know that she had to say her own name right, and not give up to assimilation.

What’s your name?



“No, Ariana.”


“Closer, Ariana”

Can I call you Ar-iana?

Not sorry, I don’t let people butcher my name anymore

And i won’t apologize for that

I will not give you any other way to pronounce my name because

There is no other way to pronounce it

Ah – like the start of a song

Rrrrr – rolling because my tongue has talent

Ah – like a yell that my lungs can fill

Na – like the end of a song with no lyrics

My name is a song that i do not need you to sing off tune

I am not asking for perfect pronunciation

Because your mouth might not move like mine

But i demand that you try

I demand that you realise that not all names

Most names

Are made for your Anglo-AMerican mouth

There is no name that fits your mouth but your your own

So i ask you to respect mine

Its intricacies

And simplicities


I demand you say my name


Because I cannot have my little cousin mispronouncing her own name

For anglo-american mouths

Mamas, say your name correctly!

Se pronuncia “Katarina”

I had to practice your name growing up because it was important

That your whole name was correct out of respect for you


You are mispronouncing your own name For someone

because you’re tired of them mispronouncing it anyway

But you haven’t given them the chance to try


Do not call me Ar-iana


Do not make me relive white elementary school teachers

On the first day of class

And don’t even get me started on

my 16 letter last name


16 letters that are too long for anything

In this american education system

My own identity of a name is not standard

My name is quite literally chopped off at the end

In its standardization

its colonization

I spell my name for the starbucks barista

Because i don’t need both us

Embarrassing ourselves when they ask for my name

And then they have no excuse

I am monotone in spelling my last name

Because I am so used to people not knowing how to ask for it

I am not traditional in either my country of birth

Or my country of heritage

I am not traditional because ironically

My parents were trying emulate the system in our country of heritage

Where two last names is expected

Thus i am not traditional in my country of birth because I try to be

Proud of my country of heritage


Do not let others mispronounce your name for you

Teach them to attempt

Be proud of your own intricacies

Your own simplicities

The heritage that your parents are trying to pass down to you

Because no one should be ashamed of the word that is used

To call you out

Of the word that you most identify with

Because it



So when i ask you

“How does your mother say it?”

I am trying to say “pronounce it correctly please

Because i am trying to respect you”


Dame tu nombre y te puedo pronunciar un mundo de belleza

Give me your name and i can pronounce you a world of beauty

Essay 7: I’m exhausted

I’m exhausted by being at school. The week before spring break was the first time I thought of transferring. I can’t wait to be able to not worry about assignments. I want to lie in bed with my partner. I want to sleep in. I do not want to feel guilty for taking a breather. I want to travel. I don’t want to talk to people for a week. I want people to miss me, to wonder where I am when I am not available to them. I want to read for fun, immerse myself in a new book, a different world where the only stress I feel is when the dragon that the character will befriend later is chasing them.

I am resentful about how much time school work takes. I am starting to become resentful of myself for coming here. Higher education is needed, but at what cost to mental health in this new societal standard where a Masters Degree is starting to look “only” like a Bachelors?

I want my assignments to be done already. I am burnt out.